... this time to flaunt my newly purchased retail copy of 808s & Heartbreak, which I bought yesterday. Funny thing is that although it said on the BestBuy website that it would be on sale on November 24th, they still had it in the boxes in the back because they apparently weren't supposed to start selling till today, but I spoke to a manager in order to get a copy in advance. So maybe I was one of the first in Montreal to buy that album! I also decided to pick up Kanye West's previous album Graduation, because I never got the chance.
You'll notice that the album art for 808s is different in the fact that it has absolutely no artist name or title. Also, and maybe somebody from the States can confirm this with me, there were no dirty and clean versions, yet the Lil Wayne line still says "... you think your ish don't stank, but you are Miss. P.U.".
The reason for this post is simply to show my visitors and fellow bloggers that I try to do the little that I can do to support the music industry that we all cherish so much. I guess I also feel kinda bad posting up full albums when they leak, so I consider this to be my way of making it up.
P.S.: I also decided to throw in my copy of Thr33 Ringz, because I'm just cool like that.

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