The thing is, it's not like my blogging passion died off or anything like that. It's just that a bunch of isolated incidents have been keeping me from really getting back into it.

For one thing, can you believe that after all the bullshit, I got a phone call yesterday from a BestBuy employee who told me that my laptop was finally ready for me to pick it up? It's been almost a month! In fact, it's been so long that I was actually starting to settle down with the borrowed laptop which they provided. But now, I gotta go through it all again: backing everything up, exchanging laptops, reorganizing and personalizing it again. It's a real bitch.

The time that I did spend away from my blog made me realize some things though. When I look back at the time when I was updating day in and day out, I am conscious today of how time-consuming it really was. All my other responsibilities became second in order of importance because I was really determined to be on top of the game. And although it allowed me, for example, to get the T-Pain album up before 90% of the blogs I knew out there (Fuck the haters), I think that I also lost sight of what my true intentions were with Tarek Against The World. That is, to have a personal haven for me to be able to express myself as well as to share with my close friends and distant visitors what I enjoy/think/hate.

Another thing that I've come to realise is how fucked up this whole blogging game really is. People get so caught up in posting up the latest leaks or downloading the latest tracks that they end up losing track of the good songs that are made available to us. Everybody (me included) wants the latest Lil Wayne or the latest album to leak, and as soon as they get it, they're back on the web looking for the next thing. You got websites for this, that will post up ANYTHING and EVERYTHING, whether it's actually good or just gargabe, as long as they get the hits. And as you probably know, more hits equal more profit, with all that advertisment that is splurged at every empty corner... At the begining, I too had ads, including that fucking annoying one that fades into the whole page and forces you to sit through 5 seconds until the 'Skip' button appears. Yet, you might have noticed that more recently, I cleaned it all out, taking out any form of advertisment because, like I said earlier, I had lost sight of my true intentions: I want to be doing this for the pleasure and fun of it, for the passion of music and entertainment, not for profit. So if you're looking to get your music updates 3 or 4 times a week, with extensive information on the featured artists, as well as trailers to notable and prominent movies and video games, then Tarek Against The World is your one-stop destination.

Numbers don't lie, and I can confirm that my blog was getting some kind of recogition from all of you out there. So I will be starting to update soon enough, with anything that catches my interest, but don't expect me to lose a whole night's sleep to have an album or mixtape up before anyone else anymore because, really, all you gotta do is wait a couple of hours, and anything that was initiallly "exclusive" will be all over the net and on every website. As always, requests and suggestions are more than welcome.

Holla at me in the ShoutBox, let me know what you think of all this!
