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Sooo, this is Weezy F. Baby's new sound? Kanye doesn't look so crazy now, does he? This track was announced to "debut on the Internet right after a live stream of his concert in San Diego on January 27," (MTV) but I guess the leakers couldn't wait that long... 'Prom Queen' is the first single off Wayne's seventh studio album, which was initially supposed to be the re-release of his triple-platinum selling album, dubbed Tha Carter III: The Rebirth. Plans have changed and only the Rebirth stuck around as final title for his upcoming, all-rock, all-Auto-Tune album, set to be released on April 7th.

From my part, I am totally down with whatever Wayne seems to be trying to create, if only because I have the utmost respect for artists that aren't afraid of reinventing themselves and experimenting with new sounds. I was the only one that I know who bought 808s & Heartbreak, and I loved every single track. I just think that it will be MUCH harder for Wayne to sell his new rock sound than it was for Kanye to sell his new R&B sound. I haven't even looked or asked around and I already hear 90% of the blogger fans of so-called 'real hip-hop' (whatever that may be) hating on Weezy, so he really needs to make sure that his new album spawns at least two or three successful singles à la 'Love Lockdown' or 'Heartless'.

And to the haters, I say this: As much I understand how hard it must be for you to think outside the box, know that at this point, Lil Wayne (obviously) doesn't give a shit about anything that you might think. I mean, just listen to the track, he really isn't even considering his hardcore hip-hop fan base with this new direction.

What do YOU think of 'Prom Queen'?



Anonymous said...

bah on peut s'entendre pour dire que c'est pas la meilleure chanson du monde... même si elle n'est pas mauvaise.

il a la chance de pouvoir faire ce qu'il veut maintenant.. tant mieux pour lui..